OzHealth Arthritis Cream Reviews

I had both knees reconstructed 20 years ago and now suffer arthritis, but this OzHealth Arthritis Cream is the best, it stops pain straight away and lets me do things. Is also good for lower back pain which I have too.
Brendan Ryan, Age 57
I would like to tell you how fantastic I’ve found OzHealth Arthritis Pain Relief Cream. Three weeks before our holiday of a lifetime, four weeks in Canada an awful pain began in my left knee.  My knee was making awful grinding noises and locking on me so I was unable to walk without difficulty. It felt like bone on bone and that something was moving inside my kneecap. I was desperate for some relief and we left in a few days. I called in to my local pharmacy and my pharmacist suggested OzHealth Arthritis Pain Relief Cream. The cooling effect of the cream gave me instant relief. I used the cream twice a day and in about 3 to 4 weeks the pain in my knee had almost gone and I was able to walk normally again. The relief was amazing.
Robyn McGuire, Age 66
Being a personal trainer I occasionally suffer from muscle pain in various areas, Ozhealth Arthritis Cream has actively and consistently relieved my pain fast. I highly recommend it to all my clients. Beshoy Ayad, Age 22
I used to struggle to play my weekly golf game, after 9 holes I started to wish it was over. OzHealth Arthritis cream was terrific; it relieved my pain so quickly. I just apply it twice a day and it helps me walk better. Now I can enjoy my 18 holes and I don’t even have to take any pain killers! Just give it a try.
Ray Burn, Age 76 (As seen on Channel 7’s Today Tonight)
I’ve had a lot trouble with creams in the past as they give me allergies, OzHealth Arthritis Cream however really took me by surprise as it was so soothing, with no lingering residue and it also acted as a moisturiser. Within only a few minutes it was completely absorbed, I didn’t even have to wait to put on my clothes. It was so helpful and more effective than anything I’ve tried before. The pain relief was so effective it helped me sleep so much better and I just love the refreshing smell.
Sonia Longworth, Age 73
My work has me always kneeling, squatting, going up and down long stair cases, my knee consequently developed severe arthritis and I had to have surgery. I’ve tried countless medications prescription and other products, tablets, creams and gels, but there has been no product that relieved my pain and swelling as quickly and effectively as OzHealth Arthritis Cream. Now I am more mobile at work and not suffering because of it. I never imagined that at my age there was a solution till now.
Mahrous Mitry, Age 65
My arthritis was a problem with normal everyday things: going up and down stairs, just sitting in a chair, getting up, using a computer, a mouse…I started using the cream with my physiotherapist after many clients found amazing results with it. I’ve been using the cream for a few months now and my arthritis is much better now. I found relief in my knees, my ankles, wrists, and just general pain throughout my body. Ozhealth Arthritis Cream is Fantastic! It’s a lot better than anything else I’ve ever used.
Cheryl Gall, Age 55 (As seen on Channel 7’s Today Tonight) 
I am so glad I’ve found your product! My ankle pain is so much better, I can stand without pain! I can go shopping without the pain. I’m surprised at how quickly it works. I’m telling all my friends about it! The best part is I can go out without smelling bad, because the cream has no odour like other products. I really want to call Today Tonight to thank them, as without that episode, I would have had no idea about the cream! So thanks to you, and thanks to Today Tonight!
Gillian Thompson, Age 75
Being on certain medications for a long time, I had weak bones and fluid retention in my ankles and found it hard to walk, especially around uni. I was introduced to OzHealth Arthritis Cream and as soon as I realised the swelling or felt any kind of pain, I applied the cream. Within a couple of minutes the swelling was all gone. Now I don’t have to worry about walking long distances or having to always sit down and give myself a break.
Josie Ibrahim, Age 19
I go to the gym 3 times a week for up to 2.5 hours per visit. I have arthritis in my left knee. My GP prescribed Fish Oil, Glucosamine + Chondroitin tablets, which did help but the swelling & slight pain persisted. I was told to cut down on my exercise. This I simply won’t do. A friend recommended OzHealth Arthritis Cream. The effect was almost immediate. The swelling has disappeared, the pain non-existent & I can keep up with (according to the physiotherapist/personal trainers at the gym) the routine I/we have developed during the past 4 years. I cannot thank you enough & do not hesitate to recommend this product to anyone who even mentions the word ‘Arthritis’.
Robert McCormick, Age 73
After seeing your add on Today Tonight re OzHealth Arthritis Pain Relief Cream, I purchased a tube from my local chemist. i have had arthritis in my right fingers for the past 35 years unable to bend my knuckles. After using your OzHealth Arthritis Cream on my right hand, after 5 days, i could bend the knuckles on my right hand! It was FANTASTIC! The swelling has also gone down. I told my Doctor and he could not believe it! I recommend it highly to all my friends.
Alexander E Keech, Age 70
Some thing that works  Posted by Bob Callahan on 15th Oct 2013 The OzHealth Cream does work to relieve pain Brilliant!  Posted by Sheila Abrahamsson on 6th Aug 2013 I have severe osteoarthritis in my hands, to the extent that my knuckles are extremely painful, even to touch. I ordered your Pain Relief Cream as a last resort, having tried many options without success. To my amazement, within 2 days my hands were virtually pain-free. I am using it daily, and I can honestly say that it has made an enormous difference.(No, this is not a paid advertisement!) I cant believe it really works!  Posted by helen b on 19th Feb 2013 I suffer extreem pain on my left ankle massive hump on my instep not to mention a dear little bunion forming on my big left toe. This cream is pleasant to use. The relief to me is instant. I love your OzHealth Arthritis Pain Relief Cream, its amazing! I could not believe the results!!! Posted by Alexander E Keech (As Seen On Today Tonight) on 3rd Oct 2012 After seeing your add on Today Tonight re OzHealth Arthritis Pain Relief Cream, I purchased a tube from my local chemist. i have had arthritis in my right fingers for the past 35 years unable to bend my knuckles. After using your OzHealth Arthritis Cream on my right hand, after 5 days, i could bend the knuckles on my right hand! It was FANTASTIC! The swelling has also gone down. I told my Doctor and he could not believe it! I recommend it highly to all my friends. Highly Recommended Posted by Robert McCormick on 3rd Oct 2012 I go to the gym 3 times a week for up to 2.5 hours per visit. I have arthritis in my left knee. My GP prescribed Fish Oil, Glucosamine + Chondroitin tablets, which did help but the swelling & slight pain persisted. I was told to cut down on my exercise. This I simply won’t do. A friend recommended OzHealth Arthritis Cream. The effect was almost immediate. The swelling has disappeared, the pain non-existent & I can keep up with (according to the physiotherapist/personal trainers at the gym) the routine I/we have developed during the past 4 years. I cannot thank you enough & do not hesitate to recommend this product to anyone who even mentions the word ‘Arthritis’. Reduces swelling FAST Posted by Josie Ibrahim on 3rd Oct 2012 Being on certain medications for a long time, I had weak bones and fluid retention in my ankles and found it hard to walk, especially around uni. I was introduced to OzHealth Arthritis Cream and as soon as I realised the swelling or felt any kind of pain, I applied the cream. Within a couple of minutes the swelling was all gone. Now I don’t have to worry about walking long distances or having to always sit down and givemyself a break. I’m surprised at how quickly it works  Posted by Gillian Thompson on 3rd Oct 2012 I am so glad I’ve found your product! My ankle pain is so much better, I can stand without pain! I can go shopping without the pain. I’m surprised at how quickly it works. I’m telling all my friends about it! The best part is I can go out without smelling bad, because the cream has no odour like other products. I really want to call Today Tonight to thank them, as without that episode, I would have had no idea about the cream! So thanks to you, and thanks to Today Tonight! Amazing Relief Posted by Cheryl Gall (As seen on Channel 7’s Today Tonight) on 3rd Oct 2012 My arthritis was a problem with normal everyday things: going up and down stairs, just sitting in a chair, getting up, using a computer, a mouse…I started using the cream with my physiotherapist after many clients found amazing results with it. I’ve been using the cream for a few months now and my arthritis is much better now. I found relief in my knees, my ankles, wrists, and just general pain throughout my body. Ozhealth Arthritis Cream is Fantastic! It’s a lot better than anything else I’ve ever used. More mobile  Posted by Mahrous Mitry on 3rd Oct 2012 My work has me always kneeling, squatting, going up and down long stair cases, my knee consequently developed severe arthritis and I had to have surgery. I’ve tried countless medications prescription and other products, tablets, creams and gels, but there has been no product that relieved my pain and swelling as quickly and effectively as OzHealth Arthritis Cream. Now I am more mobile at work and not suffering because of it. I never imagined that at my age there was a solution till now. Soothing, No residue, Refreshing smell, Effective  Posted by Sonia Longworth on 3rd Oct 2012 I’ve had a lot trouble with creams in the past as they give me allergies, OzHealth Arthritis Cream however really took me by surprise as it was so soothing, with no lingering residue and it also acted as a moisturiser. Within only a few minutes it was completely absorbed, I didn’t even have to wait to put on my clothes. It was so helpful and more effective than anything I’ve tried before. The pain relief was so effective it helped me sleep so much better and I just love the refreshing smell. Just give it a try  Posted by Ray Burn (As Seen On Today Tonight) on 3rd Oct 2012 I used to struggle to play my weekly golf game, after 9 holes I started to wish it was over. OzHealth Arthritis cream was terrific; it relieved my pain so quickly. I just apply it twice a day and it helps me walk better. Now I can enjoy my 18 holes and I don’t even have to take any pain killers! Just give it a try Great for Muscle Aches  Posted by Beshoy Ayad on 3rd Oct 2012 Being a personal trainer I occasionally suffer from muscle pain in various areas, Ozhealth Arthritis Cream has actively and consistently relieved my pain fast. I highly recommend it to all my clients. Able to walk normally again!  Posted by Robyn McGuire on 3rd Oct 2012 I would like to tell you how fantastic I’ve found OzHealth Arthritis Pain Relief Cream. Three weeks before our holiday of a lifetime, four weeks in Canada an awful pain began in my left knee. My knee was making awful grinding noises and locking on me so I was unable to walk without difficulty. It felt like bone on bone and that something was moving inside my kneecap. I was desperate for some relief and we left in a few days. I called in to my local pharmacy and my pharmacist suggested OzHealth Arthritis Pain Relief Cream. The cooling effect of the cream gave me instant relief. I used the cream twice a day and in about 3 to 4 weeks the pain in my knee had almost gone and I was able to walk normally again. The relief was amazing. stops pain straight away Posted by Brendan Ryan on 3rd Oct 2012 I had both knees reconstructed 20 years ago and now suffer arthritis, but this OzHealth Arthritis Cream is the best, it stops pain straight away and lets me do things. Is also good for lower back pain which I have too.